Done. 4432.7 miles (Newport News, VA to Lincoln City, OR)
Wednesday: Lazy morning reading, then went on a failed mission to a couple different brewpubs before heading to the airport. Couldn't find one of them in a reasonable amount of time, and the improvised backup plan was closed. We decided it wasn't meant to be and headed to the airport. Pretty standard airplane trip from Portland to Denver, nice scenery on takeoff and a wind-buffeted landing, but nothing else to mention.
Tuesday: Did a couple more brewpubs and drove out to the Columbia River Gorge to check out a waterfall and the general scenery. The waterfall was really tall - think it's the second tallest in the US, but not too much flow. Still, it was an impressive fall, and we hiked up to the top of it on a very busy paved path. Nice to stretch the legs a little after a few days of relative inactivity. Saw some really nice old cars in the parking lot - four or five Bentleys and Rolls-Royces complete with an armed guard. One particular Bentley was really neat - looked like a 1940s model if I had to guess, and still had a right hand drive. Cooked up a nice little dinner back at the house, then we went to see the new Bourne movie - first time I've been in a movie theatre in god knows how long. Neat film as far as "action movies" go!

Monday: Beer happens to be one of my interests in normal life, and Portland happens to be the city with the most breweries per capita in the US (likely the world, but I'm not sure.) Chris, one of the guys from the beach who's house I've been crashing at, is also a beer fan. So, we spent a good chunk of the day just going on a brewpub tour around Portland - even got a couple souvenirs! We also went to Powels Bookstore, which is the biggest bookstore in the country. Five stories and it takes up an entire city block. And, most of the technical books are in another store a block or two over. Unfortunately, I didn't know about the technical book store until later, but was pretty much overwhelmed by the main one already. Picked up a couple books, one on a guy's travels in Mongolia, and a Mongolian/English dictionary and phrasebook. Yup.
Realized that I loaned my phone charger to Smiles in Pacific City, then forgot about that while packing up. Oops. Had to start rationing battery life, then talked to Smiles and found out she wasn't going to be able to make it up to Portland afterall, so I've gotta stretch this charge out until Friday or so when the charger gets to my house by mail. Oops.
Sunday: Got up and decided at the last minute to pack the bike in with the guys who were heading up to Portland rather than hanging around Pacific City until Wednesday. Smiles has to work between now and then, I'd like to check out Portland, and there's really not much to do in Pacific City other than be on the beach. Went for a quick tour of St. Johns, the neighborhood where the guys all live, with Ryan, then went over to the bar Ben works at for some beers with the other guys. Smiles planned on driving over to Portland after work on Tuesday to visit.
Saturday: Spent the entire day being a beach bum, watching a longboard competition (favorite bit was overhearing a competitor talking about his run with a friend and mentioning he was waiting for his grandkids to get there,) drinking a lot of beer, and visiting. Blurred my magnificent tan lines a little bit, but got a picture first :).

Friday: 133 miles to get from Springfield/Eugene, OR to the coast at Lincoln City, OR. Ran out of sunlight before energy, but my friend Smiles popped down from Pacific City to give me a ride up to there where she had several friends from Portland already. Excellent beach party with some neat people on a nice beach. Never got around to taking the bike to the shoreline to do the wheel dip thing, but whatever. Rode something like 30 miles right along the shore. Riding wise, the traffic was hellacious all day long. About got clipped a few times, pulled off to avoid tight spots several times, and just raced through a lot of turns to minimize time in scary areas. Nice scenery though, and it was good knowing the coast was so close.

Thursday: Nice riding day! Got my first smell of the Pacific Ocean from a little hill about halfway through the day. Met another cross country biker, Jeff, who was just leaving on his eastbound journey, so we sat down and chatted for a good while. Jeff normally lives in Springfield (basically part of Eugene, OR) and invited me to stay in his house that night with a German couple who are spending a year or so traveling the world. They're going to drive around the west over the next couple weeks, and might be coming through Boulder, so maybe we'll get to visit some more later. Nice evening hanging out and chatting with them, much better than staying in another RV park! Hadn't had a shower at all in over a week at that point, so it was good to get cleaned up too! Cool people are neat :).
Wednesday: Weird day. After a fair bit of debate, I decided to head out early from Sisters, OR to try to get over McKenzie (or is it Mackenzie...) Pass before the construction crew got there to stop me from going through. I got started later than I had hoped, and they got to work a lot earlier than I had guessed, so I couldn't make it through. Beautiful ride up to the pass, with lots of fresh volcanic rock on the top from an eruption just a thousand or so years ago. Good views of the Sisters, and Mt Hood off in the distance. Made me think about Colorado a bit.
Anyways, after getting to the beginning of the road closure (a few miles on the other side of the pass, naturally) and chatting with the flagger girl for a bit about what was going on with the landslide that closed the road, I ended up riding back over the top to spend the day sitting in the woods near the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail - one of the three long trails that make up the triple crown; Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and Continental Divide Trail.) Didn't meet any thru-hikers as I had hoped, but I suppose it's still a little early for them to be that far north. Read a lot in my book, slept a lot, felt bored a lot, then eventually it was time to roll. Managed to get through the construction zone relatively unimpeded, got confronted by the second to last truck out, but talked my way through that. The landslide area most definitely wasn't passable on wheels, but wasn't too big of a deal to get through on foot. Beautiful ride down from there through some nice woods with beautiful sunset.

It got dark fast as I rode farther into the valley and into the night, but fortunately the road was very smooth and there wasn't any traffic on it (the first half past the pass to my destination was closed ;) .) Made it by headlight to a campground, but was disappointed to find that it didn't have any potable water source, and that it cost $10 (or maybe $12 - memory is fuzzy on that.) Ten bucks isn't that bad of a fee for a nice campsite with toilets, water, tables, and such, but without water it seemed like kindof a ripoff to me. All I really need to camp is water and enough space to lay down...
Quickly noticed that one campsite was occupied and awake, so I put on my invisible yogi hat and went over to see if they had change for a $20 (another small issue with the fee.) Brought up the water question and almost instantly the campers were forcing a gallon jug of water on me - people are great. They didn't have change, but mentioned the ranger came by every morning at 9, so I decided to just write a note on the payment envelope and drop it in the box so I could get change from him in the morning. The note was something to the effect of "Sorry I'm a biker and don't have exact change. Will meet the ranger in the morning and settle up, or failing that I'll drop a $20 in the box." Hoped I wouldn't have to do that, but it seemed likely that I'd be able to meet the ranger in the morning and get it straightened out.
Chatted a bit longer with the other campers, then went over to my campsite to get changed and cook up some dinner. Before I could get out my cookpot, the guy from the other campsite had come over and invited me over to dinner at their site! Turned out it was a family with one young child and a friend of hers out camping, and that they had anticipated more people coming that hadn't shown up. Ended up playing a round of checkers with one of the kids, chatting a bunch with the parents and kids, and eating some freshly caught trout and bratwurst. Super cool people!
Tuesday morning: I woke up at 6am or so as usual, and slowly ate some breakfast and got packed up and ready to go. Then read my book for a bit to wait for the ranger to show up. Sure enough, right around 9am, he pulled in and went straight for the money box. I hopped up and started walking over there, by the time I got to the self payment kiosk, he was reading the note and had a decidedly unhappy look on his face. I interrupted his reading to say that I was the guy who wrote the note and had my payment in hand. His response was a not too friendly statement to the effect of "it's a $250 (or something like that) citation if you don't pay the fee within 30 minutes of arrival." So, I kindof ignored that and went back to the change question, which he grudgingly made for me and reminded me about the citations. I mentioned something about trying to be honest and not having planned to stay there, but heard more about the citation. Anyways, this guy was a jerk. Pissed me off a bit too because I was going out of my way to pay the (in my mind, inflated) fee to use a campsite. Especially because my sleeping there left virtually no impact on the campsite, and I could have just as easily camped for free, legally, at any of a number of unofficial sites coming down the hill. Only reason I went to this place was that I thought it would have potable water. Only stayed because of the nice people who gave me water there. And, the thing that irked me the most, was that this guy didn't seem to understand that his citation threats were completely hollow - they didn't have anywhere near enough information on that envelope to track me down had I left early without paying. And, had I not written the note in the first place, they never would have even known I was there! Stupid.
Anyways, after the jerk got done whining about citations, I went over to a nearby creek to rinse off. Incidentally, that same creek ran right by one of the unofficial sites, so I could've gotten water from it and camped for free, but didn't want to wait 30 minutes for the bleach to work it's magic before I could cook. But I digress.
The creek was honestly the coldest fresh water I've ever been in (Ross Sea takes the cake on coldest,) which means something from a kid who grew up on Dukes Creek. Anyways, by the time it took me to hurriedly rinse off, my feet were mostly numb, and my toes definitely were numb.
Hopped on the road and rode on!