Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lander, WY

Yay for amazing scenery! Sixty-ish mile day, took it easy and still got into Lander around 1pm. Rolled past some pretty scenery today - mountains in the distance and neat deserty-rocky stuff closer up. There's an interesting mix of very red rock and white rock around here, makes neat contrast between the sky, rocks, and plants. Unfortunately, the library here closes soonish, so I'm not going to get any pictures posted right now.

Slept at Jeffrey City last night - a modern ghost town that formed around a Uranium mine that ended up closing in the early 80s. Kindof a weird place - all the buidings look relatively modern, but nearly all of them are empty. Stopped into a little bar first thing to cool off and get a soda, first thing I saw was a decent size decapitated pig layed out on a table getting dressed up to roast. Unfortunately, they take a good while to cook, so I didn't get to eat any :(. Also didn't quite get a chance to pose with it for a picture because they started wrapping it with foil right as I thought of getting a pic. Oh well.

I've been thinking for a couple days that I know someone who lives in Lander, but couldn't think of who it was until this morning - pretty sure one of my instructors from a wilderness medicine course a year ago lives here. Going to find out in a little bit, turns out the WMI/NOLS (organization that ran the course) office is right around the block from the library where I'm typing this. Convenient!

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