Sunday, July 8, 2007


Well, rather than bumping into the WMI instructor (John, who does indeed live in Lander,) I was standing in line to order some food and my friend Deneen walked over and said hi. What a random small world thing! Turned out Kish and Deneen (an ice couple that I met in McMurdo) happened to be in Lander as well! Some other ice people live here in town, so they were up visiting and climbing. Naturally, a bunch of us stayed out late hanging out at the bar. Good times! I suppose I'll be rolling on towards Dubois, WY later today, but at the moment it's nice to sit around here and visit with some really neat people!


Isis said...

you have had a rather serendipitous trip as far as running into people.

oh. and I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Skittles! It was a blast hangin' wichya in Landarctica!
Seems we're back after a quick tour of the Cirque - it was AMAZING! We were surrounded by some of my favourite mountains...

So I hope you're rolling along just fine - good luck with the rest of the journey!

Later -- Kishout

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